Defence ministry goes global in search for Kaveri partner - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.

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Friday, 4 January 2013


Defence ministry goes global in search for Kaveri partner


Working on a Kaveri prototype at GTRE, Bangalore

By Ajai Shukla
Gas Turbine Research Establishment, Bangalore
Business Standard, 4th Jan 13

The defence ministry (MoD) will no longer ask French aircraft engine builder Snecma to help in resurrecting the indigenous Kaveri jet engine, which has reached a dead end in development.

Instead major global aero engine manufacturers will compete in a global tender to partner the Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) --- the Bangalore-based DRDO engine laboratory --- in refining the Kaveri engine to the level where it can power the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), an indigenous, fifth-generation fighter that is on the MoD’s long-term horizon.

“We are abandoning the plan for co-development with Snecma. We still need an overseas partner. But it will not be Snecma on a single-vendor basis. We will select our partner through competitive bidding,” says Dr CP Ramnarayanan, Director, GTRE.

Business Standard, on a visit to GTRE in Bangalore, was briefed that the Kaveri still delivered significantly less power than what a modern fighter requires. In flight-testing last year at the Gromov Flight Research Institute (GFRI) in Russia, the Kaveri’s maximum thrust (termed “wet thrust") was measured at 70.4 KiloNewtons (KN). High-performance fighters like the Tejas or the AMCA need engines that generate at least 90 KN of thrust.

“To develop a more powerful Kaveri engine quickly and to become self-reliant in engine design, we need a foreign partner who can bring in core technologies. Otherwise the next cycle of engine development could take another 15-20 years,” admits Ramnarayan frankly.

Developing a jet engine for a high-performance fighter is technologically more demanding than any other aircraft system. Only a handful of countries have been able to develop aircraft engines; China, like India, has not yet achieved success. The DRDO is struggling in developing the Nickel and Cobalt superalloys for the Kaveri’s turbine, where temperatures of 1,600 degrees Centigrade warp normal metals.

Shaping the alloys into engine parts is an equal challenge. GTRE has learned how to make “directionally solidified” turbine blades; but it has not mastered the making of “single-crystal blades”, which are now standard.

The process for selecting a partner that has these technologies is under way. A DRDO committee is identifying specifications for the engine. Based on these, a Request for Proposals (RfP) will be issued to engine makers.

Meanwhile, as already reported by Business Standard (“Kaveri engine to fly futuristic unmanned aircraft”, Dec 26, 2012) GTRE is developing a spin-off Kaveri engine that will propel India’s first unmanned bomber, termed the Unmanned Strike Air Vehicle (USAV). The Kaveri’s current “dry thrust” of 50 KN will suffice for the USAV.

The refined Kaveri engine that will come out of the foreign collaboration will be used for the futuristic AMCA, but not for the Tejas fighters of the Indian Air Force (IAF), which American engines will power. The first 40 Tejas Mark I are being built with the General Electric F-404IN engine, while the subsequent Tejas Mark II would have the more powerful GE F-414 engine.

“We were planning to re-engine first 40 Tejas fighters with the Kaveri. But now they will continue to fly with the F-404 engine,” says the GTRE director.

The DRDO has moved a paper to the MoD that strongly backs the Kaveri programme as the foundation of aero engine development in the country. The DRDO calculates that India’s aerospace requirements over the coming decade will include jet engines worth Rs 1,60,000 crore.

Major aero-engine development facilities are being set up in Chitradurga, where a 5,600-acre hub of strategic industry will house R&D, testing and production units of the DRDO, Department of Space (DoS) and Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). These will include an official altitude test facility for aero engines, which US defence major Boeing is providing as an offset in India’s Rs 22,800 crore ($4.12 billion) purchase of ten C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft. So far, GTRE has had to do all its testing in Russia.

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  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    Beg,borrow or steal,but for God's sake fix a time limit.

  2. blank
    Sachin Khandelwal3 January 2013 at 22:48

    Why cannot the MoD make it compulsary to share jet engine technology and set up jet engine manufacture in India as part ofthe MMRCA offset deal, rather than spending it on making HAL assemble semi-assembled kitk which it cannot master anyway

  3. blank

    are you going to Doordarshan as an anchor? is this true?

  4. blogger_logo_round_35
  5. blank

    We have taken the first correct step... admitting what we don't... we are not... natuarlly we will succeed... for sure... now...

  6. blank

    Back in 1977 or 1978 I remember an article in The Indian Express which stated that GTRE had developed a family of jet engines which would power the Ajeet, Jaguar and other combat aircraft. A few days later a letter to the editor by an anonymous GTRE employee said that it was all lies and GTRE had not developed any aircraft engine. GTRE continues to feed us lies every generation and there is no accountability as to where the thousands of crores disappear.

  7. blank

    First off the GTRE director must be fired for not delivering the Kaveri even after so many delays and cost overruns.

    Then the next steps can be taken - create a consortium of PSU and private players with the necessary technology or the capability to develop it. GTRE alone does not have a snowball's chance in hell of delivering.

  8. blank

    Have the MoD / GTRE done their homework. At least one of the major players should have indicated their readiness to partner GTRE in order to go down this path. Otherwise, it will one more major blunder by the MoD. I am hoping that MoD does not end up competing with Mohd Bin Tughlak.

  9. blank

    It's ain't happening, that's first thing that comes to mind.

    Keep aside usual complexity around RFI and RPF, even all of our money won't make them sell us single crystal blade technology or high heat resistant super alloys. There are fewer turbofan masters than our total fingers in the world today and they all have invested billions and decades of continuous and dedicated research for reaching to a level where they can control aerospace world. They won't let go this just for few billion dollars. That said since US based GE, P&W etc are out of question who else than British, French and Russians we have as option? We could not deal out with French for god knows what reasons? So what makes authority think they will be able to deal with US pet nation England and unfaithful Russia? And Russians about who we have serious reservations about quality of their turbofans keeping aside their true intentions regarding ToT.

    My take.

    Problem: This multi vendor bid-selection-finalization--negotiation-signing approach will add unnecessary risk to the AMCA project, that all if this approach fructifies somehow including forcefully imposed insulting terms and conditions.

    Solution: Select a suitable engine from market for first and second batches of AMCA (preferably a custom developed TVC equipped F-414 INS6)and launch a 15 year program for Kaveri-NG simultaneously for for equipping follow on batches of AMCA and reequipping older ones during MLU.

  10. blogger_logo_round_35

    @ Anonymous 13:55

    I don't know which engine you're saying appeared in 1977-78. The Kaveri project began on 31st March 1989.

    If you don't know where the "thousands of crores" have disappeared, relax... the auditors do. And they're satisfied that GTRE has some achievements to its credit.

    Do you really think building a modern jet engine is such a lark? Why don't you do one in your garage then and save us all the time, effort and money?

    Even China, which has spent several billion dollars on this, has not achieved success yet. But they will... and so will GTRE. Have some patience and don't cut off your child's legs while she's learning how to run.

  11. blogger_logo_round_35

    @ Rahul

    The first thing that comes to mind is usually an ill-considered conclusion.

    Read my post above.

  12. blank

    Who is willing to part engine technology?. GE,P&W,Safran,Eurojet,RR,& Saturn.

    GE / P&W - ruled out (US government won't allow)
    Safran/ Saturn - Tried till now, but didn't succeed.
    left are Eurojet and RR!.

    I think it is not easy to get engine technology when we didn't succeed from Russians or french.

    Best would be to, get the core and turbine components from foreign vendors and colder portions of compressor, nozzle and casing from indian ones.

    In short, we may not achieve 100% local, but some portions of it might be.

  13. blank

    Why not announce a competition aimed specifically towards material science guys across universities in india for ideas on developing the superalloys?

    Obviously they might not have the funds to build prototypes or even a test bed but someone might get a light bulb moment. Maybe they could all be asked to submit their thesis through email to gtre? Five lakh rupees each to those guys whose ideas help in development progress?

    It's not hard to write an email so maybe many will participate

  14. blank

    @Broadsword 4 January 2013 18:49...
    hahahahah... good comments...

  15. blank

    Ajai ji,

    If foreign collaboration through RFP is what is required at the end of 25 years, then what were we doing from 2008 for the last 4 and half years when news reports first emerged that GTRE is teaming up with Scnema? Why couldn't the RFP route was taken in 2008? Why this delay of 4 and half years? In the meantime, our projects have got delayed by the same timeframe and money has gone down in value to dollar. So now we have to pay more for the same services...Whose money is this? Mr. Anthony's or GTRE's or Mango People's?

    Ok, probably, GTRE has realised after 4 and half years of working with Scnema that Scnema is not willing to develop the engine for GTRE and supply it with an indigeneous tag. GTRE and MOD has realised that they probably took the consumer image of India very seriously.

    These morons of MOD and GTRE and DRDO(most of them quota system passouts) believes they can take the mango people for a free ride whenever they feel it is beneficial for them to do so...And journalists are helping them by agreeing with whatever they are saying...

    Can any journalist has the courage to go and ask the same questions to these idiotic morons of MOD and GTRE?

  16. blank

    This clearly indicates the calibre of Indian PhD scientists working in PSUs. I feel the person who made comments about not being able to develop technologies in-house needs to step-down and allow those who can to lead. Indian PSUs are sickest as they can get. Their should be a RTI type scheme which provides information on what they developed in order to be promoted. I guess all promotions in PSUs are based on ass-licking of govt bosses.

  17. blank

    This is the product of our educational system, where their is misguided emphasis on scoring top marks in entrance tests and exams. Kids don't learn the concepts in the subject, instead waste time on rote learning, all due to a flawed educational system. What can we expect to produce from such a system? Add to that the govts misguided notion that by providing fillip in the form of reservations, it can uplift society, in the process ensuring and entrenching a culture of under-performers and "chalta-hai" attitude in strategic matters. What India needs sorely is a performance and merit based promotion system and education system which rewards original research rather than sub-par performers. Till such changes happen, we will always wonder why the developed world (west) is the best when it comes to technology. Because the developed world does not reward shit and don't allow reservations in matters of development.

  18. blank

    Ajai Sir , May be my conclusions are ill-considered but all i had said was regarding possibility of major houses transferring critical technology like one you have mentioned. And i reiterate, it is very highly unlikely that anyone of aimed engine houses will ever transfer said technology in that much percentage that it will make India truly(underlined) self reliant in production of 100 Kn rated Kaveri.

    That of course is other thing that an engine house is roped in to marry sections of its own design with rest of Kaveri to make it perform at required level and also allow India produce entire engine (as it will be compulsory). But entire engine or in general 100 percent ToT is a way defined we all know how. I suspect India might just end up importing something like pre fabricated super-alloy parts / engine sub assembly for producing Kaveri under banner of 100 percent self reliant, all despite paying hefty sum in the name of joint development. But still i am not opposed to this option given someone somehow(underlined) makes it happen so much so in time that AMCA project befits from this development instead of getting stuck because of it.

    I need to clear my stand that i truly appreciate even celebrate GTRE's achievements in the form of 49 KN by 70 KN engine. Being very first turbofan attempt it is no small thing by any standard. May be this is the reason why i strongly believe that GTRE will be able to come up with fully compliant Kaveri turbofan on its own by time AMCA's third batch would start rolling out.

    Meanwhile GTRE should bread out various other class of turbofans as spin-off stating with one for USAV to AL-55I or Adour class for IJT and AJT class jets.

  19. blank

    A good step, but what if Snecma wins the tender and the things are again back to the square one.

  20. blank

    Step 1. Fire Dr. CP Ramanarayanan.
    Step 2. Start an inquiry into his role and work culture.
    Step 3. Start a competition among private sector to design an engine with required specs.
    Step 4. Short list 2 finalists whose designs meet stated requirements.
    Step 5. Award contract to both for 50% development.
    At the end India has not 1 but 2 engines.
    The only thing that is stopping India is these very govt PSU scientists, whose "secured" jobs will vanish with competition from pvt sector.
    And as usual govt won't mend it's ways to ensure its vote banks and enslavement of illiterate people. Since if Indians get smart, these idiots will never get elected. India needs a complete review of it constitution and reform it to sync with modern times.

  21. blank

    If China can have SU-20MKK with Chinese WS-10A engines already, why isn't India replacing the Russian engines on the SU-30MKI with a pair of Kaveri?

  22. blank

    any updates on the further development of KMGT or uprated KMGT for powering follow on Kolkata class or IAC-2

  23. blank

    Mr. Rahul (Kolkaa), your silly opinion is a result of a long campaign by Times of India and Indian Express denouncing DRDO.

    Snecma was chosen as a partner 4 years ago, because they had expressed interest in utilizing the resulting engine for their Rafale fighter jets. At that time, Snecma had also indicated willingness to transfer all the technology, "as fast as Indians can assimilate."

    Now, Snecma has gone back on their word.

    Besides, the point is that Snecma, GE, Klimov or Pratt & Whitney will Never Ever transfer their secret recipes to any other country.

    And why would they ? Only to see a low cost manufacturing hub like India trump them in the global market tomorrow ??

    If I were Snecma, I too wouldn't give Single Blisk technology to India

  24. blank


    The Rafale agreement includes complete tech transfer, so India are going to get Snecma's engine technology anyway.

  25. blank

    @Abhiman 5 January 2013 09:30

    Mr Abhiman, I don't want to get into details about exact role of Times of India or Indian Express in shaping the conscience of our society but what I can understand is why the DRDO is such an underperforming organization. Because the supporters of DRDO like you are also devoid of grey matter like the scientists themselves...You said that Scnema has gone back on its word...So why can't the DRDO and Govt fix accountability on Scnema and ask for financial compensation or drag Scnema into a legal battle? Have we heard anything along those lines? The answer is "NO" and trust me, will never hear that...

    Now to the point of nobody willing to give India transfer of technology, ok, I agree. If you and me can see the sun, why can't the DRDO/GOI see the same? What purpose they want to achieve by inviting RFP now? Will the vendor who will win RFP transfer all the technologies? What is the guarantee that the vendor who will win the contract by agreeing to supply full TOT and then not go back on his word 5 years later, just like what Scnema has done? If you and me can see the obvious sun, what were the GTRE officials doing for the last 5 years with Scnema?

    If TOT is what we need after 30 years, then I am sorry, there is a serious need for introspection. You give a tight SLAP on the cheek to each GTRE scientist and see the result...All the technologies will slowly but surely start to evolve from their own head from the very next morning.... But 'chalta hai' bhai....When I will retire, my son(another quota system passout) will take over my role....Let the mango people daydream....

    And a note for Ajai ji also: Plz sir, do not start saying that the Chinese have also failed to find the eureka point in aero engine...Yes they are not close to the eureka point but their WS10 A is at success point(JF-17 block 2/block 3 will be with these engines) and WS-10 B is also evolving rapidly to power J-10B. And, these engines generate a lot more thrust than Kaveri....Also the Chinese have succeeded in doing so many things, like J-20. By your logic, you should then start questioning our scientists on our 5th gen fighters....

  26. blogger_logo_round_35

    Media reports today about scrambling of Japanese fighter aircrafts to chase away intruding Chinese aircraft. India and Japan must increase military cooperation to restrain Chinese army.
    DRDO must co-develop such technologies like single crystal turbine blades etc. for Kaveri engine along with its Japanese counterpart. New equipment are generally developed through continual improvement process. Kaveri aero-engine must be installed on a couple of LCAs for further tests like high speed flight test. GTRE must purchase couple of suitable twin engine aircrafts, replace one of them with a Kaveri engine and start flight testing. This will definitely lead to further improvement of the engine. India also must use its purchasing power and insist Dassault and the Russian manufacturer of Sukhoi aircrafts to provide the relevant technologies. Another important related step is to sign a contract with some PSU/Private Sector Company for manufacturing six Marine Kaveri engines during next financial year.
    India can definitely develop the Kaveri Aero-Engine successfully provided government is really interested in doing so.

  27. blank

    Mr. Rahul (of Kolkata fame), you have unwittingly embarrassed yourself, by your utter lack of basic knowledge. For your own good, cease and desist.

    a) As posted earlier in a previous article on Kaveri, the 5 nations who have mastered crucial jet engine tech, have been in the business since the past 80-90 years.

    Of course, when GTRE stared out in 1989 they didn't have to start with WW2 era engines. But yet, those 5 nations had a treasure trove of discoveries, scientific data, inventions accumulated since decades, related to engine manufacture. Something that DRDO simply never had to start with; they hadn't even designed a propeller before that.

    Not just that, they faced crippling International sanctions (GE refused to supply the first few engines to power the Tejas after India's nuke tests in 1988; most other companies probably just wished to sell the engines and NOT the underlying tech secrets).

    So, if after that Kaveri achieved 70 kN of wet thrust (equal to some Snecma and GE engines of some 25 years ago), it is indeed a good achievement. The uninformed media should not criticize them for that. After all, its not a scooter or a car they're making.

    b) Snecma NEVER entered into any agreement or contract with DRDO. All that was held were negotiations. In the media, a Snecma honcho claimed that they're willing to transfer all technologies to India, "as fast as they can assimilate".

    So, where is the question of "fixing accountability" ? That must be done to Mr. Rajat Pandit and Mr. Manu Pubby, exemplary reporters of Chimes of Russia and The Indian Paid-Press respectively.

    But more importantly, the media also reported (albeit very fleetingly) that the resulting engine may be used by the Rafale jets. It was probably this that got DRDO interested, as it would affirm their work in the international market -- after all, the non-core part is DRDO-designed.

    c) GTRE has not said that the RFP envisages complete tech-transfer. They simply want a core to be mated to Kaveri ASAP, otherwise they'll take 15-20 years to do it on their own.

    Who knows, even Snecma may be invited in this tender. Col. Shukla may shed more light on this.

    d) I've been following the Sino-Pak JF-17 since the past 6 years. And always there is an impending WS-13 installation right around the corner. But before the celebrations start, it turns out to be a hoax.

    The WS-13 is an abject failure. A Russian representative of Klimov said in Beijing they've got no problems to re-export RD-93 engines to Pakistan, for, "if not us, someone else will".

    The WS-10 is a deadpan. 10 years after it powered an illegal Sukhoi copy, it is nowhere near production to power ANY of PLAAF's upcoming fighters.

  28. blank

    I think there won't be any response from any vendor, even if Indian government is willing to pay an exorbitant amount.

    Instead, set that amount of money aside and give it to public/private sector(preferably private with proper monitoring) in batches as and when they cross the set milestones. Eg: Ask Mahindra,tatas,L&T etc to start developing. whoever achieves it, gets to make it.

    Moreover, companies like GE, have already gone too ahead with things like usage of composites for jet engine components. (And yes, GE got US government funding to achieve what it is today). Even if DRDO succeeds in developing it, IAF would go with advanced foreign ones (since there would be a lag).

  29. blank

    With or without partner GTRE will get a better engine. No one is going to stop research on engine. If the issue of reliability is fixed with Kaveri then we don't have to worry much. core with 49KN is good and they can definitely tweek a few KN's up. meanwhile DMRL is not going to stop research on single crystal or better and higer temp withstanding materials. Metallurgy is where we lack and we are catching up. Most of our previous research areas like nuclear, space and missiles are giving positive results. We are catching up with Radar and EW. We have Jet engines lie PTAE7 flying. we will have rustom, nirbhay indigenous engines flying soon. a partner is going to reduce teh time. if we dont get partner there will be delay.

  30. blank

    Col. Shukla, is there a reason why I never see DRDO scientists wear ESD (electro-static discharge) clothing? Isn't wearing such clothes necessary to prevent damage to sensitive electronic components?

  31. blank

    Dear Col Shukla,
    I have to agree with the posters who say that GTRE is to blame for not deliering on the Kaveri.

    This is a government organization, where the work ethic is poor, people only have moderate initiative.

    This is NOT a private organization where responsibilities are fixed, and one puts in that extra effort that makes all the difference.

    At GTRE there is the slow, sarkari style of working, it takes endless hours to get approvals, and everyone is trying to CYA before they make a move.

    Without any doubt, if a private organization in India would have been asked to build the Kaveri, they would have done so a very long time ago, the cost would probably not have been very different. GTRE probably wastes a lot of money callously, a private company would have hired the brightest, would have made its employees work extra hours, they would have gotten the necessary technology with a whole lot less red tape (CEO to CEO level). Even if the private company would have billed GOI for twice the amount as GTRE will, we would have had an engine ready a long time ago.

    Out netas are only using our PSUs to pocket money for their party funds and their own swiss bank accounts, some of the PSUs are being used as employment dens for the netaji's vote banks.

    There is an unhealthy, unethical and dishonest relationship involved between the netas and the PSUs, and the netas don't want to give up these cash cows.

    People must have seen those picutres of the PSU bosses handing over those BIG cheques to the netas, the next time you see that photo, think about how much the PSU boss has given to hon'ble netaji in the side room (after all netaji gave the PSU boss his post).

    Most of our sarkari PSU organizations are cesspools of corruption and incompetence.

  32. blank

    @Mr Abhiman: If 95 out of 100 people in this country(in a democracy, majority is the authority) have negative views on how MOD/DRDO/GTRE/Defense PSU's work whenever any article on them is posted, it is better if we try to find out the exact cause instead of trying to hide under the pretext of Times of India/Indian Express/Nuclear sanctions etc etc...See, there can be 1000 excuses for non-performance if one wants to. I read your reply and found that, in a clever manner, you have not answered some of my basic questions.

    1) Let me agree that no contract was signed with Scnema and only negotiations happened. Can you tell me which negotiations in the world happen for 4 and half years? I am in private sector and have been involved in negotiations with clients. I can assure you that the private sector does not take 4 and half years for even the toughest of negotiations because it cannot afford to, otherwise they would have ceased to exist. DRDO/GTRE/GOI can because it involves aam admi money.

    2) One time you are saying no vendor will part with technology secrets and the other time you are saying DRDO wants the core supplied by a foreign vendor to be meted with their non-core part. Why this 'Kolavari Di'? If RFP route legally binds the vendor to part with the technologies, then why didn't we go for this route in 2008 instead of indulging meaninglessly with Scnema for 4 and half years?

    See, at the end of the day, I am not worried about how much GTRE/MOD/DRDO has 'learned' or what were the constraints etc etc, I only judge by what has been 'delivered'. If the end user(Indian Armed forces) are not happy with the end product and there has been huge time and cost escalations, it is time 'not' to hide our faces in the bushes and expose our a** to the outside world. People will laugh at us. We can blame everyone but that will not solve the problem...

    Let me give you another example of how these buffon organizations and their moron scientists works. When Agni 5 was launched in April 2012, it was promised to us by these same scientists that there will be another 'canister' launched test in end Dec 2012. It has not happened and I don't see it happening in the next 3-4 months. What is the reason for the same? New nuclear sanctions????

    If everything is good with these organizations, why committee after committee has been setup to recommend what changes are needed to be made to make them more efficient? It is another matter though that those recommendations will never get implemented simply because no committee has been setup to recommend how to make GOI/MOD more efficient.

    1. blank

      Mr RAHUL if you advocate efficiency then why not you are conscious about wasting your time with hidden identity. If you are doing this for the patriotic reasons come openly in media....we know for whom you work....

  33. blank

    To Rahul (of Kolkata)

    1) Dude, if GTRE is a public-sector company, then Snecma is also a private French company. Thank God Snecma's shareholders aren't blaming Snecma unlike you are !

    Negotiations can take time, especially for ultra-sensitive tech. You're also probably talking thousands of crores here. See how long the MRCA negotiations take for example.

    2) Like I said earlier, supplying a product does NOT imply parting with the technology. GE supplied F-404 engines to Sweden for the Gripen along with designs. Sweden tinkered with the engine to modify it. But for Tejas, GE just sold the engines and NOT the underlying tech to India.

    Similarly, GTRE is now seeking only a supplier for the core. It is not seeking the underlying tech (it knows that like Snecma, GE, Pratt Whitney or Rolls Royce too will never part with it).

    3 Delays and over-budges are actually he NORM the world over.

    Many billions of dollars and many man-years of labour have been wasted on near-duds like the following:

    1) F-35. Missed deadline after deadline after deadline. And wasted money equal to the GDP of many African nations !!

    2) Patriot missiles (which nicely failed in Gulf War 1, but have been improved since after spending god-billions of dollars)

    3) Ground-Based Midcourse Defense program, or GMD. A spectacular failure.

    And you'll find respected names like Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon behind some of these projects.

    I thank DRDO for having developed the BMD at a small fraction of the cost of Patriot. Though I'd say, DRDO did benefit hugely from improved micro-chips than those available 20 years back for Patriot, besides a generous largesse from Israel. But in the end, its the dedication of the scientists that matters most.

    P.S. I don't have any relative / friend who has ever worked in DRDO or allied labs. I just wish to see India self-reliant.

  34. blank


  35. blank

    @Mr Raju Chacha 11 January 2013 22:42:

    Neither I am hiding my identity nor do I work for anyone except my IT organization. As for coming to the media is concerned, I believe that this blog where you got the chance to vent your misplaced anger and frustration against me is also part of the 'media'....So think twice before saying something in future...It is my humble request to you.

  36. blank

    DDRO, GTRE etc are mainly run by bureaucrats (IAS) and ex Service personal - even if they have a Dr. as title. These fellows do not think out of the box and naturally any engineer working under them will not be utilized 100%. Guess if they get too smart or loud they will get transferred, so the best option is to sit still and make no noise - wait till the office hours are over and then go home. You will get paid whether you are productive or not.
    I have the feeling the offices are packed with papers and files like in any government office - not to mention the pan-spit-stained walls and dirty windows.
    This surely will not produce a world class engine.
    I am sure if some private players were to take part in such research they would come out with something useful

  37. blank

    Kaveri has been scrapped

    While it is sad that this has happened, it is also good to see the authority put its foot down

    As someone said, all good minds have left india

  38. blank

    kaveri will not power amca

  39. blogger_logo_round_35

    its better to import rare metal RHEUNIUM from Chile & use it as an alloy for blades to with stand very high Temp........ as china is currently under developing for its engine

  40. blogger_logo_round_35

    For AMCA & Tejas MK2, MK3 fighters a commonality of engines is a dire-tatamount requirement, in order to cut overall projects costs well into the future- 2030's!! Two different engines from two different manufacturers is just wasting of funds for production and TCO's of these engines. Also, TVC nozzle is a MUST-requirement, at least for the future AMCA & MK3 Tejas versions! Sincerely hope that HAL ADA teams takes these factor into serious consideration, when they finally decide on what engines to go in for MK2 in the next year or so. Same manufacturer of engine for MK2 MUST provide TVC nozzles for future engine tranches.
