Just back from Kashmir.... - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.

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Sunday, 29 April 2012


Just back from Kashmir....


Stand by for my candid views on the ground situation in the world's most complex valley....!!

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  1. blank

    you write very very negatively.

  2. blank

    Here is the Air Chief describing it as the biggest danger to India in ensueing years...

    and here is colonel turned jurno who is going to inform us that it is right time to remove AFSPA ?

    What can be more interesting than that !

  3. blank

    complex = not straight forward... then what makes a place a place... the people residing there...

  4. blank

    obviously you will support the logic less freedom seekers, stating there is no dev/jobs as if we in other parts of india have these in plenty

  5. blank

    yep Kashmiri's have no desire to be part of india.

  6. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hope its good..hope the new sufi resurgence has pushed back the extrimists wahabi traits planted by the foreign elements in the 80's and 90's ...

  7. blogger_logo_round_35

    Cant wait for your exclusive report.

  8. blank


    Have you become a FAN of Barkha Dutt
    and NDTV who have ONLY one AIM
    ie to Give Kashmir to Pakistan

    If You write that AFSPA should be
    removed then it would prove that
    You too have SOLD out to Pakistan
    like NDTV and Barkha Dutt

  9. blank


    If you don't have any desire to be part of India, you can alway run to porkistan.

  10. blank

    Colonel Shukla,
    Did Syed Ali Shah Geelani kiss you in the forehead this time too?

  11. blank

    Bring it on sir!!!

    We have had Arundhati Roys, we have had Kuldip Nayars, we have had our share of Praful Bidwais....then what worse can a renegade col of the Indian Army write...

    But think for a moment...that the fact that you will be able to even write and publish the junk on Kashmir.....that itself would be testimony of the cohesiveness, strength and unity of the Indian federation

  12. blogger_logo_round_35

    @ a Kashmiri Said...

    May be kashmiri's who are muslims,

    Kashmiri's who were thrown out of their houses/killed/raped forcefully and brutally always wanted to be part of India and still they do.

    Its the incompetency of Indian govt. that they dint do anything for its people. I have kind of started to dislike congress from being neutral.

  13. blank

    Where is the write up or is advancing at 300 meter per day?

  14. blank

    Whole Kashmir is an integral part of India, whether pakistanis like it or not and exist or not.

  15. blank

    Kashmiri's keep harping about joining Pakistan. Each one of them should be given a tour of PoK to make them realize the ground realities in Pakistan. Rest of India has been paying heavily for Kashmir.


    It's time we stopped appeasing at-least the Pakistani stand on Kashmir.
