Thanks to Shiv Aroor for the new look Broadsword! - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.

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Thursday, 15 September 2011


Thanks to Shiv Aroor for the new look Broadsword!

All you folks who like the new look on this blog... join me in thanking my friend and colleague, Shiv Aroor, who has generously given of his time in working at this new look. And, of course, in providing the Twitter and Facebook links that he believes will be useful.

I, of course, am too much of a techno-cretin to even understand what all of this means. But, hey, thanks a million Shiv! We're all grateful.

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  1. blank

    Please Ajai, have mercy on my poor eyes. Make the text font 2 pixels larger, otherwise I will soon go blind. I can help you do this change if you want.

  2. Indian%2BNational%2Bflag

    It takes two to tango! Great to hear two of my favourite defense journos teaming up...Bring the Defense Chik Suman in the league as well :)...Unity is POWER!

  3. blank

    Much better look and better readability. Keep up the good work.

  4. blank

    The Broadsword image is barely visible. Could you make it a bit better in visibility?

  5. blank

    Thanks to Shiv and Ajai ji. Both of you are best defence journos of India.

    Can you both put some updates on missile defence (PDV) and FINSAS projects?


  6. blogger_logo_round_35

    Great look and ease of reading! Thanks Shiv for upgrading my favorite blog.
    - Shshank

  7. blank


  8. blank

    Thanx to Shiv Aroor.

  9. blank

    Thanks, Shiva Aroor. I always hated the old look. Poor readability. Poor color combination. Just couldn't take time to comment on it. I love this new look.
    Thanks a lot.

  10. Snapshot%2Bof%2Bme%2B1

    Hi Ajai,

    The blog looks spacious. The color combination is awesome.

    And this post by you very generous.

    Congratulations !!


  11. blogger_logo_round_35

    @ajai sir

    akhir aap ne blog ka hooliya badal hi diya.

    remember longtime ago i asked you why you are not on Facebook, Twitter.

    Welcome to the new world of Facebook and Twitter popularity

    just make sure you dont abandon us on the comment section :-):-)


    Joydeep Ghosh

  12. blogger_logo_round_35

    Good change. Very readable. Allows reader to focus on content without eyestrain and distracting (previous) colour scheme.

    Agree with anon @ 01:34 regarding the Broadsword image. Just a (humble) suggestion. Maybe if you separate the sword from the word...?

    Nevertheless, the look now matches the quality of the content. :-)

    Regards and Best Wishes.

  13. blank

    Thanks ajai ji and shiv from bringing about this chanage. This was long overdue.

  14. blank
    Nagaraj.Bellary@gmail.com16 September 2011 at 03:24

    Font color in some cases is not legible.

  15. blank

    Fantastic improvement

  16. blogger_logo_round_35

    New look a feel is indeed a million times better than previous one. However, its the quality of blog which matter and it remains top notch.

  17. blogger_logo_round_35

    Congrats both Ajay and Shiv for the new look. Glad to see my two favorite defense journos together. Thank you... :)

  18. C-130J_641

    Thanks and congrats to both of you, two best defence journos of the country.

  19. blank

    liked old one more :(

  20. blank

    Great looks man, I must say probably the best looks among the blogs that I visit. All the Best.

    But a question,

    You have claimed yourself to be a "Tanker" but strange that you completely missed the "Big event" of the official launch of the T-90MS during RAE-2011 at Nizhni Tagil on 8th Sep. There is not a single article on the T-90MS in your blog, even though even the most biased anti-russian bloggers (more than you) have atleast one article.

    As a claimed "Tanker", it is surprising that the launch of a practically new Tank that is likely to see service as a complete unit (as well as upgrade package) in the Indian Army, doesn't interests you or didn't cross your path. Its a shame Ajai, unheard of from someone who claims to be a "Tanker".
    I hope you will at least pull out of one of your (biased) article, which would be much better than your silence.

    Best Regards

  21. blogger_logo_round_35

    @ Chirag

    Lots of emphasis from you on my being a "claimed" tanker! Are you, by any chance, insinuating that this is a false claim? Actually too many people in India know me too well... I wouldn't be able to get away with any false claims, even if I were inclined to make them.

    Are you blogging from abroad? For your information, we in the Indian cavalry don't call ourselves "tankers". For us, those are modified one-ton trucks that ferry water around. We are "tankmen".

    I haven't written on the new model T-90 because I wasn't there at the unveiling. I only write about what I personally experience or witness or visit.

    Don't read too much into the absence of an article on that.

  22. blank


    My emphasis on claimed "tanker" was to put pressure on you to write something on the tank. Because it escapes a persons logic on how a true "tanker" can ever miss a development related to the tanks. When the tank in question is somewhat related to Indian Army's own T-90.

    Btw, do you still stand by your "I only write about what I personally experience or witness or visit."
    Hope none of the blogs written by you will contradict your claims.

    But leave it Ajai, it looks like you have not been able to overcome your trauma & nightmare that you went through at the hands of kids in certain forum, when you claimed that Arjun MK1 was not upto the mark. The kids over there treated you realy bad than a shabby dog. So I can understand your reservation on you holding back any comments on the T-90SM and not get the beating again from the bullying kids.

    Best Regards
