Pawan Hans grounding stalls China border roads - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.

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Saturday, 7 May 2011


Pawan Hans grounding stalls China border roads

Right: The track that is being upgraded into the Thingbu-Mago-Chuna road.
Below: A view of Mago village, the first inhabited Indian village after crossing from Tibet into India over Tulung La

By Ajai Shukla
Business Standard, 8th May 11

The grounding of helicopter operator Pawan Hans’ fleet after two shocking accidents in a fortnight near Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh, has claimed another casualty: Border Roads Organisation’s strategic road building programme along the Sino-Indian border. With Pawan Hans helicopters no longer available to ferry bulldozers and materials to road building sites in remote areas, this crucial programme is experiencing further delays.

On 19th April, a Pawan Hans Mi-172 helicopter had crashed near Tawang, killing 17 passengers and crewpersons and grievously injuring five more. On 30th April, another Pawan Hans AS350 B3 helicopter crashed near Sela Pass, killing Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister, Dorjee Khandu and four others on board. Since then, Pawan Hans has suspended operations in the northeast.

These grounded helicopters have been central to the BRO’s success in by-and-large meeting tough road building schedules. Building sequentially, i.e. starting from one end of a proposed road and working steadily to the other end is a slow process. Instead, the BRO divides the road into segments, selecting multiple “attack points”, to which road building materials are heli-lifted. Work then proceeds simultaneously from each attack point.

Amongst the first to be affected is the crucial road being built from Thingbu towards the 18,000-foot Tulung La Pass on the border, so far just a mule track on which the Chinese infiltrated in 1961 to outflank Indian troops ensconced on the mighty Se La Pass. Since the BRO was using a Pawan Hans Mi-172 helicopter to carry a dismantled bulldozer to Thingbu, building has been stalled until it flies again. The Indian Air Force has already expressed its inability to support BRO road building, since its helicopters are fully committed in provisioning the army’s remote border outposts.

Also stalling are several other BRO roads in the northeast, where 6 of the 27 roads it is building are facing schedule slippages. Another 12 border roads that the BRO is building along the Sino-Indian border in Ladakh are not affected by the Pawan Hans grounding.

However, the Director General Border Roads (DGBR), Lieutenant General S Ravi Shankar, struck an upbeat note at the BRO’s 51st Raising Day celebrations today, declaring that these 39 roads would be completed by 2013. He said 25% of the BRO’s current annual budget of Rs 5400 crores is earmarked for Sino-Indian border roads.

These 39 roads are merely the beginning of an ambitious MoD project to bring connectivity to the Sino-Indian border. Top MoD sources tell Business Standard that the MoD’s General Staff Long Term Perspective Plan (or GS-LTPP) caters for Rs 57,000 crore to be spent by the BRO on new Sino-Indian border roads by 2022.

Despite that, India trails China substantially in building border infrastructure. Lt Gen Shankar explains: “It is not fair to compare us with China. They began work in the 1970s and 1980s. In those days, we were making single-lane roads, which we thought would be enough. Today we have more money and our thinking is different, so we are double-laning those earlier roads. We are moving very fast since 2007.”

Senior BRO officers highlight another emerging problem in executing its expanded road-building programme, which the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) monitors closely. The rolling out of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGA) has resulted in growing reluctance amongst labourers --- traditionally recruited from eastern states like Jharkhand, Orissa and Bihar --- to leave their villages for the gruelling manual work involved in building border roads.

“The BRO cannot pay its casual labour more than the minimum wage prescribed by the central government, or by the state government where they work, whichever is greater. That amounts to Rs 120-170 per day, even in the tough conditions in which they work and live. As a result, they prefer to obtain employment at home under NREGA,” says the DGBR.

Also depleting the BRO’s traditional labour pool is the growing demand from companies that are building hydel power projects in Arunachal. “The hydel companies come and offer our labourers Rs 25 more than us; what can we do?” complains another BRO officer.

At a meeting with the Minister of State for Defence, MM Pallam Raju, on 5th May, the BRO proposed additional incentives for its workers, including subsidised rations, kerosene and clothing, to compensate them for the difficult living conditions in hand-built shanties by the side of under-construction roads.

Alongside its 36,600 permanent employees, the BRO has a workforce of about one lakh casual labourers. Over the last 51 years, the BRO has built a 48,300-kilometre network of border roads in India, 36 kilometres of major bridges, and 19 airfields.

In Afghanistan, the BRO has constructed the challenging 215-kilometre Delaram-Zaranj road at a cost of Rs 600 crore, finishing six months ahead of time with no cost overrun. In Myanmar, it has built the 160-kilometre road connecting Tamu-Kalemyo-Kalewa. In Bhutan, the BRO has built a high percentage of the roads, as well as the international airport at Paro. And, in Tajikistan, at India’s only overseas military base in Ainyi, BRO rebuilt the runway.

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  1. blank

    Sorry to be off-topic.But just read this in BST by Jyoti Malhotra: 'Their general and ours: Failing and flailing states'
    Why have Indian Service chiefs inserted themselves into an ongoing battle?
    Jyoti Malhotra / May 8, 2011.
    Absolutely ridiculous premise.Does this person have any idea about national security.This is the prime example of 'God' and 'soldiers' being remembered only in time of 'need and war'.Otherwise in a democracy, as per the author,our generals must simply shut up and stay in a corner unless spoken to.And then,they are spoken in the same breath as Paki generals.In fact our generals are doing their duty by making their concerns know.Do we want a repeat of a shocked Nehru,dumb after the Chinese invasion crying before Menon and Kaul,'why was i not told'.The author thinks the Army is in Siachen for a picnic.Its highly irresponsible for a journalist to make such blanket pronouncements!It seems the author blieves that we must actually apologise to the Pakis,in case their feelings are hurt,while we take care of our national security! If the author cannot perform professionally,at least do not criticizes those who actually are performing their duties.

  2. blank

    what is a lakh?

  3. blogger_logo_round_35
  4. blank

    Do you think that you will be able to visit the base in Tajikistan one day? It would be fascinating to learn more about India's first overseas base.

  5. blank

    ummm they need to man up and pay those labourers more

  6. blank

    Does India really have a base in Tajikistan? I was under the impression that we left that area under Russian pressure.

  7. blank

    Please explain.. We are worried that the Chinese are building roads on the other side? But if there are no roads on our side and only mule tracks how will the Invader get his army and tanks inside our territory to attack us? So what wisdom is there to build roads? We can allow them to come in to these narrow corridors and use ambush and air power to finish the invaders who cant get their massive army inside, while we have more established posts and gorilla tactics guarding these key passes? Does this not make more sense than to build big roads to give opportunity to a larger army like China to march in incase of our with drawl? It will help them more to thrust in with more soldiers and machinery if we have roads. No roads will equal the fight and slow the invasion?

    Ajay sir, you being an Ex-army man do you think its wise to have roads in such a case?

  8. blank

    How is the Avio consultancy coming along in fixing the IDS problem on Dhruv??
