Broadsword brings you...the Tejas naval twin-seater! - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.

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Thursday, 17 February 2011


Broadsword brings you...the Tejas naval twin-seater!


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  1. blank

    landing gears seems more strengthened
    then why we are looking for foreign help

  2. blank

    Exactly what the doctor ordered

  3. blank

    beautiful.. especially the first two photos.. thank you sir!!

  4. blank

    Why does it say NP1?

  5. blogger_logo_round_35

    That is some serious MLG... No wonder they have over-weight issues. I am no expert, but i think there is a weight-loss in order....

  6. blank

    Thanks for such nice & high quality photographs of Naval Variant LCA.
    It is extremely mature and resilient design. The data & signals cables through the monocoque structure of airframe exhibits the modularity and high quality systems integeration. The LCA framework will evolve easily in future to incorporate new systems such as controls and weapon delivery, without much effort. Moreover the airframe is clearly designed to give easy access to sub components and difficult to reach systems in maintenance hangers and workshops. This will allow quicker Turn around Time from maintenance to operational readiness, which is very vital in Naval Air Operation. On aircraft carrier, not many planes can be stationed in lower deck maintenance and Air Wing continuously need the air flight.

  7. blogger_logo_round_35
  8. blank

    the landing gear looks massive. much larger than that in the much heavier and much more capable F/A-18.
    all that is dead weight once the bird is airborne. can't we design a smaller landing gear?????

  9. blank

    The set of landing gear is huge. I understand that this is for carrier operation, but still that looks huge, especially considering that the fighter is one of the lightest out there. I am sure they know that they are doing, but my guess is they would rather keep it heavy initially and if the tests indicate that this is an overkill, they can always reduce the weight during production. Hey, nothing wrong in taking a conservative approach, especially when this is the first aircraft that the country is building for carrier role. Great Pics.

  10. blank

    The drooped nose N-LCA is quite a looker. I felt really disappointed that they have omitted the droop nose in the N-LCA Mk II. Does anybody know why they omitted this nose? Were there any issues?

  11. blank

    Amma, look how smart Appa is... he can build a plane with one hand while holding a bag with the other hand. Can the uncles in Pakistan and China also do this?

  12. blank

    Such a high tech fighter & the work environment looks so low quality. Grow up HAL. Pictures are very nice. Thanks for posting.

    Appa is really amazing :-)

  13. blank

    Sirji, any news on IAC and P-15A? Long time no see. :-(

  14. blank

    Ajai just noticed your blog is about to cross the second million mark..congrats. Here's to many more millions.

  15. blank

    congrats u r blog crossed 2 million hits...
