In Dharamsala: doing Tibet-related research for my book - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.

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Friday, 12 November 2010


In Dharamsala: doing Tibet-related research for my book


Won't be very active on the blog this fortnight, for the reason given above!

Hold fast!

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  1. blank

    have a nice and "enlightening" trip :)

  2. blank

    :Cry :Cry :Cry

    I'm sure you carry a laptop with a broadband connection

  3. blank

    Also pl let us know, when the Tibet is going to become a part of democratically divided Sino.

  4. RSCN0296


    Have a good trip. Now you are in my home town area. I am from an area 30 miles from Dharamsala. While you are there; research some thing about lineage of Kangra kings and forced amalgamation of state "Jaswan" to Kangra in 1850 by the British.


    Hari Sud

  5. blogger_logo_round_35

    look forward to hearing more about it, and eventually reading it. Any word on the release date?

  6. blank

    Dear Ajay,Could you please ask the Tibetan Community that if they are will to be trainned up to fight the Chinies be that Naxal type or LET,Huji or any current trend?

  7. blank

    In Dharmasala Doing some anti china operations or starting a free Tibet moment ? He he he ..good luck

  8. blogger_logo_round_35

    Sir, Please motivate the Dalai Lama to continue till 2038. we will need him critically between 2024 and 2038 when a declining china will try and throw its weight on a dying tibetan redeem its lost lusture.

  9. blogger_logo_round_35

    Dalai Lama has been indicating that his work is over. Generally all his previsous incarnations have indicated their of departure in similar fashion. I would kindly request you to ask him, as it is already being asked by the Tibetan community, that, he has to stay with us for a few more years....perhaps...till 2024 - 38. I feel that Tibet solution in just around the corner and he will be enter Lhasha, with the same fanfare as had been done by his predecesor. I wish you and the Dalai Lama all the best.

  10. blank

    Col. Shukla,
    Do let us know what the book is about and probably post some teasers. :) This has been a successful marketing ploy used by several new age authors. Of course, the publisher must agree to this. We will be very eager to hear about this book.

  11. blank

    Anon at 1733 -

    Do read up on our Special Frontier Force (SFF)

  12. blank

    Ask dalai lama if he is willing to take up arms against china and free his country.

  13. blogger_logo_round_35

    istorically, the thirteenth Dalai Lama maintained an efficient army, though small but committed and the present Dalai Lama has shown great courage in confronting China. Infact, the greatest power on earth does not dare openly confront China, however the dalai lama does. The book Fourteen Dalai Lamas by Glen H Mullin is a great reading and can be lauded as a tale of Courage and Persistence.
