The Light Combat Aircraft tests its teeth: a ringside account of an LCA bombing run - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.

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Tuesday, 10 February 2009


The Light Combat Aircraft tests its teeth: a ringside account of an LCA bombing run


(Photos: copyright Ajai Shukla)

The first pictures of an LCA, fitted with bombs, fuel pods, dummy missile and a camera pod, taxiing out and taking off for a bombing test.

HAL, Bangalore
11th Feb 09

At 3 p.m. on 7th Feb 09, it was “all systems go” at the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) in Bangalore, the organisation that is developing India’s Light Combat Aircraft. I sat by the runway, watching two Tejas fighters, as the LCA is named, carrying out pre-flight checks before leaving for a crucial mission. After over 1000 test flights, involving 560 hours of flying over several years, the Tejas was checking out its teeth and claws by dropping bombs on a ground target. For the first time I was looking at a Tejas which had, other than its dummy R-73 missile and fuel pods, bomb pods as well. (see photograph)

Three days earlier, the first bombing run had been made; this test was to validate another method of bomb delivery.

Group Captain R Tyagi, in the lead Tejas, was to fly several hundred kilometres to a live range and deliver the bombs on a ground target. The tarmac outside his air-conditioned cockpit was blistering, as his onboard health-monitoring systems conducted self-checks, a crucial six-minute operation to ensure that his engines, controls and electronics were functioning normally. I could see the flaps and control surfaces lifting and dropping; all of this was a part of the testing process. 

Just metres away, naval test pilot Captain Jaideep Maolankar, sat in another Tejas fighter, carrying out the same checks on his aircraft. Jaideep would perform the role of “chase aircraft”, flying alongside Tyagi’s aircraft and visually observing every step of the mission. In addition, a high-speed camera was tracking Tyagi’s bomb pod, clicking hundreds of frames every second.

With a surprising lack of fuss, the two aircraft revved up their engines and taxied out to the runway. I put my hands over my ears as the fighter engines roared into a crescendo and both aircraft took off, first Tyagi and then Maolankar in quick succession, banking to the right and then quickly out of sight.

The pilots were now physically alone in their cockpits, but they had lots of company over the radio. At the end of the runway was the high-security Telemetry Centre of the National Flight Test Centre (NFTC), tracking every moment of the mission. Each aircraft, from the time it started up, was being monitored in detail, the data transmitting live from the aircraft over a high-speed data link. Eleven critical aircraft systems, such as the fuel system, hydraulics and flight controls, were being watched by eleven engineers, each responsible for one particular system. In addition, a senior flight test engineer, designated the Test Director, oversaw each of the two aircraft; beside each Test Director sat another test pilot, called the Safety Pilot, continuously monitored what the aircraft pilot was seeing through his Head-Up Display (HUD). Anything going wrong and the Test Director would alert the pilot in his aircraft. In a serious emergency, he made the split second decisions that could spell life or death. 

“It’s a bit like Formula One racing”, explained Wing Commander Aslam Khan, the Test Director. “The driver, or in this case the pilot, is concentrating too hard on his mission to worry about how the aircraft systems are doing, or about what is happening outside. So we watch those parameters and tell the pilot over radio.”

As the two Tejas aircraft approached the bombing range, the Telemetry Centre cleared Group Captain Tyagi to release his weapons. Flying just 70 metres away, Captain Maolankar watched carefully as Tyagi’s bombs were released; it was easy for him to see the white-coloured bombs as they headed down towards the target. Back at the Telemetry Centre, they replayed the live footage from the high-speed camera to check that the bombs had been released cleanly. I could see that they had.

The data --- including that relayed from ground cameras near the target --- would be examined in detail over days, but for now it was a successful test; the aircraft headed back to base. One more phase of the LCA test flight programme was proceeding smoothly.

The NTFC is reputed to be amongst the best test flight centres in the world. So far, not a single accident has marred the LCA programme, a perfect record compared to fighter development programmes in most other countries. In the Gripen programme, two aircraft went down in the first year of testing. In the F-104 programme in the US, 13-14 test pilots were killed in just two years of testing. (The aircraft was dubbed “the widow maker”.

“This centre has been set up entirely indigenously”, explains Air Commodore Rohit Varma, who heads the LCA flight testing. “Also, unlike other countries where test pilots are retired airmen, our test pilots are all serving pilots, bringing in contemporary experience of our operating environment.”

Amongst the ADA’s five test pilots (that I had the pleasure of having lunch with… a delicious meal!) were officers who had recently commanded a Su-30MKI squadron; a Harrier squadron; a MiG-21 squadron and a fighter base. All top guns, fresh from the field. Clearly user input counts for something!! 

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  1. blank

    Hello Ajai, you wrote 1000 hours of flight. So it is 1000 (now may be around 1018+ flights) flights in 1000 hours amounting to an average of 1 flight of 1 hour.

  2. blank

    Excellent !!! Glad to see Tejas making some real good progress...Jai Hind !!!


    I dont belive LCA has completed 1000 hrs of testing. If that is the case then 500 hrs of testing remain for IOC (roughly)

  3. blank

    oooooooooooo wooowwww... simply awesome.

    waited so long for this pic. you made my day :)


  4. blank

    My my, what pic Ajai ji.

  5. blank

    Thats a typo. Ajai sir might have been be trying to type "over 1000 flights".

    The first pic of LCA.I bet is there any pic of LCA available who can beat 1 st pic.

    A billion thanks to Ajai sir....

  6. blank

    Ajai sir: If the bombs were in white then whats those in green mounted on wing's mid pylons?

    Sorry for posting to many questions.

  7. blank


    As yiou are in Banglore please try to update the latest pics of LSP-3, 4 and 5 along with the trainer.

  8. blogger_logo_round_35

    Thanks for pointing out that error, I was in a huge rush when I wrote that piece. The correct figure is over 1000 test flights in about 560 flying hours.

    Rahul, the green one is the bomb pod. Each pod contains four (white coloured) 25 pound bombs, which were used in the test.

    Pics of all the LSPs will be posted when I get a moment to breathe. That means after Aero India!!

  9. blank

    bro why no pics of the actual bombing?

  10. blank


    Could you please find out some info about Kaveri and post it here ? What is going to power the future LCAs ?

  11. blank

    Nice pics Ajai-ji.
    Now how about uploading some REALLY REALLY nice pics? The LCA is not pictured completely in any of these, there must be more pics in that set of yours. ;-)

  12. blank

    These are the most magnificient close-up photos of the LCA Tejas anywhere on the web.
    By the way Ajai, since you are reporting on the Indo CHina border what do you think of this article in Air Marshal S Y Savur's blog

    Great work

  13. blank

    ajai, what is that red thing hanging from the extreme port-side wing ?

  14. blogger_logo_round_35

    Dear Mr Shukla,
    Good to see you posting these days hope you are having a nice time at AeroIndia 2009. With regard to the bombing run carried out recently were the aircraft armed with live ordinance or did they use dummies instead. Also was the aircraft in the picture carrying a LANTRIN pod, it seems to carry on in the left intake would you be knowing why it was included in the payload?

  15. blank

    lca can carry rbe2 aesa or apg79 because its nose cone dia appears to b bigger than f16 and if our govt. select f16 then y v r making lca better buy two engined aircraft

    all the different pods ,weapons which f16 can carry also can b carried by lca

    because lca mk2 on its way
