Aero India 09 inauguration pictures... a glimpse into the ceremony on the 11th - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.

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Wednesday, 11 February 2009


Aero India 09 inauguration pictures... a glimpse into the ceremony on the 11th


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  1. blogger_logo_round_35

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  2. blank

    Ajai ji,
    your photos are a bit off center again. Like we've seen with the LCA in your previous post.

    But please keep up the good work.

    PS:Perhaps you would consider investing in a Hi Fi Digital SLR. Since you are the bearer of news related to defence, and going by the age old "a picture is worth a thousand words", please consider. Also please consider undergoing a short Photography training course if possible.

    Warm Regards.

  3. blank

    He's Using the Olympus SP550 UZ. It is a 7.1 Mega Pixel, double image stabilized camera with an AMAZING 18x OPTICAL zoom.

    Good camera.

  4. blank

    I don't see any problem with pics.

    We must understand that clicking at aero-shows is a very hard job. Lots of activity below nose. Too many birds flying at same time, which make it hard to choose "which to scope and which to leave".

    Thats my opinion.

  5. blank

    anon @ 1:14 is ajai himself
    btw, the description you have provided is of a standard digicamera....invest in a Nikon D3 or a D40 with a lens ranging from 400mm to 700mm.

  6. blank

    anon @ 1:14 is ajai himself
    btw, the description you have provided is of a standard digicamera....invest in a Nikon D3 or a D40 with a lens ranging from 400mm to 700mm.

  7. blank

    I am grateful for the pictures and reports that Ajai turns up. I was only commenting on the pictures in a positive sort of way - giving feedback.
    There is NO intention to criticize in any manner. I understand that it is difficult at the best of times to take the best shot, to have the best moment to capture the shot, the best light to do so.
    I am a phtography buff myself, and this is just my way of saying that things can be better.

    Having better equipment is an important aspect to this too, I myself having grown up from the photoreel cameras to digicams to now professional DSLRs, I feel that the progression is inevitable and a positive thing. It certainly improved the quality of my photos a lot. And I picked up all the tips that I could get all the way - a lot of times giving feedback is something that people are not very generous with.

    Can't wait for more and more pictures from B'lore

  8. blank

    Dear Ajai,

    Thanks for good images.
    I can see Japan flag in the second image.Can you please inform us what Japan is showing in Aero India..???

  9. blank

    Very nice sir!! Keep them up!! If you can provide some videos will be gr8!!
