Picture from Project Air Defence, Hyderabad - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.

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Friday, 8 February 2008


Picture from Project Air Defence, Hyderabad

A longer shot of the endo-atmospheric interceptor.

This is attributable please, if reproduced. "Photograph taken by Ajai Shukla in January 2008".


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  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    Nice pics , I am sure you have more pics of these beauties ,please post them as well :)

  2. blank

    Thanks Ajay ! Yeh Dil maange more.... Hope you are not giving away too much to the prying eyes of adversaries.

  3. blogger_logo_round_35


    I've sent u a mail. Could you confirm if you've got it. Else, I'll resend.


  4. blogger_logo_round_35


    thanks, got it, am sending a reply along with what you wanted.


  5. blogger_logo_round_35

    By the way, Sniperz, the answer to your question is:

    1. PAD stands for Prithvi in Area Defence. It's an old nomenclature that still hasn't been changed. But Mr Saraswat told me that the DRDO has decided on the name "Pradyumna" for the exo-atmospheric interceptor.

    2. AAD stands for Advanced Area Defence. It was earlier planned as the "Akash Area Defence" missile, but the Akash turned out to be unsuitable for this. So it was changed to Advanced.

    Both these nomenclatures are preliminary ones that were given at the developmental stage. I believe they are likely to change as the programme matures further.


  6. blank


    Wonderful pics. One question, can DRDO build the radars for this advanced system entirely in India?

  7. blogger_logo_round_35

    Got it. Thanks a lot Ajaiji,

    Also, thanks for clearing up the naming confusion, especially since there hasn't been any official clarification of the name. Pradyumna will be an excellent name.

    More details from your trip please... we're salivating for more.

    btw, Karan. LRDE is already building the radars for AAD and PAD. They have been developed by us (with Israeli help, of course).

  8. blank

    Excellent pictures Ajaiji. Thank you alot. But some questions.

    1. Why the workers are so poorly uniformed and the room dont look like development centre for an advanced, highly agile AAD missile system. Are they only end-workers? i.e. painters, mechanics etc.

    2. Does the PAD and AAD have any warhead? Are they pure hit-to-kill missile? PAD dont have I know from a previous video but not sure about AAD.

    3. Did you taken any picture of the information board? That would be very informative.

    Thank you again.

  9. blank


    The missile in question is a display piece and it is just displayed.

    - Kans

  10. blogger_logo_round_35


    Those are genuine missiles. The PAD02 is the one that will be used in the next test.

    This is not a "development centre" for the new missiles. This is the assembly plant where the components, which are manufactured in many other places, are put together into a missile.

    The workers' uniforms were pretty functional. Not made by Gucci, I admit, but they work. If you want to see fancy workers' outfits, you'll have to go to the lab where they work on the optic fibre gyro!

  11. blank

    Hi Ajai could you answer my question about the radars?


  12. blank

    thanks alot Ajaiji for clearification.

    you took any picture of the information board on the left of the AAD missile? that would be very informative.

  13. blank

    Nice pics! I'm researching ATBM systems around the world for a paper for school and I was wondering which part of DRDO actually assembles the missile. Is it DRDL, RCI, or someone else?

